Small Seed Health Tips

Oftentimes, there is so much going on in our lives we forget to be present. We’re stuck dwelling on a mistake we made in the past or we’re too concerned about planning for the future. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be great, we forget to just be. If there is one thing everybody could use a little bit more of, it’s self-care and self-love.

Did you know there are about 40 trillion bacteria in your body? That may sound insane, and even a little frightening, but not all of this bacteria is bad. In fact, most bacteria found within your intestines, known as gut microbiota, are super important for your health.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your overall health and well-being, sleep is a great place to start. In addition to feeling rested and reinvigorated, check out these 7 surprising benefits of sleep.

Craving a delicious dense breakfast? Check out our recipe for Banana Almond Bread made with ingredients you love!

A strained muscle is no joke, and can even set you back from all of the progress you’ve worked so hard to make. So if there’s something you can do to improve your performance and prevent injury, why wouldn’t you do it? Stretching is easy and relaxing; it’s the perfect way to warm up and cool down before and after every workout.

Today’s society is so technology obsessed, it’s actually a little frightening. Sure, social media is great for connecting with friends and growing a business, but it also has its dark sides. Whether you use the variety of different platforms for business or pleasure, it’s always a good idea to take a break from social media every now and then.

Adjusting to a plant-based lifestyle may not always be the easiest thing. If you’ve spent your whole life consuming animal products and have decided to make the switch to veganism, we feel you and we got you!

There’s a reason the word “essential” is in the name “essential oils.” For some people, they are quite literally an essential product; a necessity they require for everyday purposes. In fact, many people use essential oils as a form of alternative medicine. If you’re prone to more holistic approaches to healing ailments and curing certain symptoms, essential oils are perfect for you.

Committing to a zero waste lifestyle is a journey. You don’t really realize how much waste you produce each and every day until you actively focus on trying to eliminate it. It’s not something that is going to happen overnight. It’s going to take quite a bit of effort on your end, but the impact it can have on our environment is totally worth it.