Small Seed Health Tips

A perfect citrus salad just in time for spring! It’s sweet from the maple lemon dressing and tart from the grapefruit making it the perfect balance. Not all salads have to be green and boring. Easy for meal prep, meal on the go or just a delicious lunch at home.

Opal’s go to green smoothie perfect to boost your immune system. Simple ingredients loaded with fiber, antioxidants and micronutrients. It’s the perfect snack. If you have a picky eater, they will never know there’s greens in their drink.

Super easy Blackberry Cinnamon Oats made with just 5 ingredients. Vegan, gluten free and absolutely delicious!

Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, or are just trying to cut back on your meat intake, protein-rich vegetables should be an essential part of your diet. Because unlike what so many have been taught, vegetables are, in fact, protein. Below is a brief list of 10 vegetables that have the highest amount of protein. Each one can be enjoyed as a side dish or cooked into different recipes as a filling main course.

Energy rules the entire universe, and humans are no exception. In fact, there are specific centers of energy within each individual to achieve the perfect balance between body, mind, and spirit. These are called the 7 chakras. Picture them like spinning vortexes of energy powering your everyday life. Now, you might be wondering:

We’ve all walked the beach or boardwalk before and trampled through a ridiculous amount of garbage and debris. Paper receipts, plastic bags, coffee cups, cigarettes, plastic water bottles, aluminum cans, fast food containers...the list goes on and on. Let's all do our part to help change this!

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
― Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, The Teaching of Buddha

Chemicals. Side effects. Overdosage. These are some of the biggest issues with prescription drugs, just to name a few. We’ve allowed ourselves and our health to be ruled by pharmaceutical companies, but why? Who says they have all the answers? What did we do before there were prescription drugs? How did our ancestors cure ailments and illnesses? We have one word for you. PLANTS.

Ah, kombucha. Sweet, tangy, delicious kombucha. The kombucha craze has been in full force for a while now, but this fizzy drink is nothing new. Kombucha has actually been used as a medicinal tea for thousands of years! But what exactly is it? How is it made? What are the health benefits and why is it good for us?
So many questions! And we’ve got the answers for you.