Myths About Veganism

Myths About Veganism

Jul 15, 2024Holly MacKinnon


As one of the biggest lifestyle trends of 2018, plant-based diets are on the rise. More and more people are making the conscious decision to eliminate animal products from their everyday lives in order to eat healthier, support animal welfare and positively impact the environment. But per usual, there are always going to be people who disagree. Advocates of veganism understand the health benefits and the impact it can have on our society. On the contrary, critics will claim a plant-based diet isn’t sustainable and doesn’t have any additional health benefits. 


So, who do you believe?


Ultimately, the decision is entirely your own. It’s your life- you can decide how you to choose to live it. In our house, plant based is the way to be. So, we’re debunking some of the most common myths about veganism to give you some insight about this lifestyle and rebuttal to all the naysayers. 



There is a general consensus that healthy food is more expensive than junk food. When you’re comparing an entire meal purchased from the dollar menu at a fast food joint to a receipt from the grocery store, this makes sense. But the next time you go grocery shopping, pay attention to the price difference between vegetables and meats. It’s actually quite astounding. If you’re still struggling to make ends meet, there are ways to be plant-based on a budget. You just have to find what works for you. Sure, natural foods aren’t as cheap as processed foods, but can you really put a price tag on your health? 



We have one word for you- WRONG. C’mon- have you seen Shane?! In all seriousness, this is one of the biggest myths about veganism. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you can only get protein from meat. Wrong again. There are many different sources of plant protein like nuts, seeds, tofu, spinach, kale, and a ton of other vegetables. There are also plant based protein powders for those who feel they need an extra boost of protein. Once you change your mindset, it’s easy to find new ways to eat a protein rich plant-based diet to help you stay in prime weight-lifting shape. 



This isn’t necessarily a myth. In fact, some days it is hard to be vegan. Any sort of lifestyle change is going to be an adjustment, but when you’re truly dedicated you find ways to make it work, you will realize how easy it can be. Do your research and find local shops and restaurants that offer vegan products to make it easier on yourself. You’ll also start learning how to decipher nutritional labels as well as coming up with recipe substitutions. Once you have a foundational education about veganism, you’ll figure out your flow and forget all about how “difficult” the transition was in the first place. 



Now that’s just silly. With more and more vegan restaurants popping up every single day, there are many different places to enjoy a nice meal out. You just have to find them! Even if you go to a restaurant that isn’t vegan friendly, you can ask questions about the ingredients to figure out what to order. After a while any vegan can make an entire meal out of sides at any restaurant.



This misconception is based on the idea that vegans only eat stuff like salads and tofu. All. The. Time. Fortunately, this isn’t accurate at all! Plant-based diets are full of foods that are high in fiber like vegetables, nuts, quinoa, and legumes. Fill a plate full with all these different options and you’ll never be left hungry. People also say plant-based diets are boring, but it’s just like cooking for the average diet. Just get creative in the kitchen and your taste buds will never be bored. After all, any good meal is spiced with plants.



We all know fruits and vegetables are good for us, so how could a plant-based diet not have any health benefits? There are actually many science-backed benefits of going vegan. Those who consume a plant-based diet have a 15% lower risk of developing life threatening diseases like breast cancer and prostate cancer. Additionally, meat-heavy diets have been linked to high cholesterol and heart disease, so vegans have a much lower risk of developing cardiovascular issues. 


Need help kick starting your journey of transitioning to a plant-based diet? Try our bars! If you’re considering the plant-based lifestyle, Small Seed Bars are the perfect first step. Not only are our bars always free of dairy, eggs, soy, and preservatives, they’re super convenient, absolutely delicious, and incredibly nutritious! 


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