The First Chakra: Root Chakra

Root Chakra

Are you eager to learn more about each of the seven chakras? We’ve already covered the basics over on our latest blog, Chakra Healing for Beginners, but there’s still so much room for discussion! Each chakra is an entire force of its own, with its energy working to effect our lives in very different ways. To help you understand a bit more about the energies working within, we’ve decided to create a little miniseries dedicated to each chakra. Ready to dig a little bit deeper into the first of the energy centers? Let’s get started!

What is the Root Chakra? 

The first of the seven chakras is the Root Chakra. The Sanskrit name for the first chakra is Muladhara, meaning root and support. Just like a tree, your Root Chakra is what grounds you to the Earth, creating the foundation on which you build your life. The Root Chakra is associated with our feelings of safety and security, both physical and metaphorical. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, and shelter, as well as your emotional needs. Your Root Chakra is what causes your survival instincts, also known as the fight or flight responses. 

As the base of the chakra system, the Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is associated with the color red, symbolizing strength and vitality. The symbol of the Root Chakra is a four-petaled lotus flower. The lotus flower is a common symbol for enlightenment; when you are grounded, you feel safe to explore other aspects of life and take on the challenge of growth. A balanced Root Chakra creates the solid foundation that is necessary for connecting with and opening the six other chakra energy centers. 

Root Chakra Balancing

When the Root Chakra is balanced and functioning properly, you feel grounded, secure and at peace with the world. Conversely, an imbalanced or blocked Root Chakra will cause feelings of insecurity, restlessness and anger. It’s natural for these feelings to fluctuate, which is why it’s important to focus on taking the time to balance your first charka. An overactive Root Chakra will cause feelings of anxiety, panic and fear. This is because its based on your basic need to survive, which may feel threatened. You could be experiencing change in your financial situation, struggling with personal relationships, or stressing to get through your day-to-day activities/responsibilities and make ends meet. 

An underactive Root Chakra, on the other hand, is more common for those who have generally always had their survival needs taken care of. Never having to worry about basic things like food, shelter, or safety creates a sense of genuine security. However, taking things too far and remaining naïve to the world around you will leave your head in the clouds. This may not seem like a huge issue, but it’s important to remain connected to the here and now of your reality. 

Root Chakra Healing

Several steps can be taken to heal a blocked Root Chakra. Whether you’re experiencing an overactive or underactive first chakra, these key steps can help bring you back to balance.

Connect with your environment

It’s always important to connect with and feel stable in your own personal environments. Create spaces in your home and workplace that bring you joy and comfort. Develop a relationship with your community and its members. Be involved with as much as you feel necessary and attainable. 

Connect with the Earth

It’s essential to take time out of your busy schedule to foster a harmonious relationship with nature. Ever heard of the terms “earthing” or “grounding”? It’s all about connecting with the Earth. Go outside and walk barefoot through the dirt, dig your hands deep into the soil of your garden, take a few minutes to lay in the grass and soak up the rays of sunshine. Connecting with the earth element allows the root chakra to open and flow more freely. 

Connect with yourself

Setting aside quality time for yourself is one of the most important ways to balance your Root Chakra. Work on your self-confidence and self-reliance so you can discover your authentic self. Manifest what you want from life so your outside world reflects what is taking place deep inside of you. Do what makes you happy; read a book, write a poem, sing a song, go for a run, flow through a yoga sequence, meditate- whatever it takes to connect with your inner self. 

Like we mentioned before, there’s a lot involved with each of the seven chakras. It takes a lot of practice and patience to simultaneously listen to and control your chakras to work in harmony. Taking the time to understand how each chakra functions is the best way to begin your chakra healing journey. Stay tuned for the next chakra- the Sacral Chakra! 

By: Sydney Daly-Weber

Holly MacKinnon